We offer a free membership plan for patients with government sponsored internet services. We also help provision wireless data services for new members at a rate of $0-40 per month depending on your age, health insurance, income, and chronic illnesses. Data Connectivity is provided through Government subsidized solutions, Tracfone, Freedompop, Sprint, Republic Wireless, Verizon,T-Mobile, or ATT .
Our high speed data service allows unlimited healthcare data transfers and limited entertainment data transfers. Additional data is provided as an incentive for completing personalized care plan tasks. Healthy actions are rewarded and the costs of your telecommunication + edutainment + wokeness is additionally subsidized.
Patients with chronic illnesses and managed health plans receive telemedical monitoring devices and have an assigned primary care provider.
Communication is critical to your wellbeing. Our system will identify the best communication methods for your specific circumstances. Video on demand, Live broadcasting, Video conferencing, in person visits, secure email, chat, paper based mail, SMS texting, sign language translators, or telephone are all part of the mix of possible solutions. Your preferences, proficiencies, and available hardware will determine your ideal solution.