- CARI Health
- Abingdon Health – Simply Tests
- Affimedix
- Abbot : Alere Afinion for HGA1c, CRP, and others
- Dochek
- Princeton biomeditech corporation
- Biosynex: Chembio
- Roche : LumiraDX.
- Danaher Corporation : Cyteva
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- bioMérieux – SpinChip Diagnostics
- Quidel Corporation (now QuidelOrtho)
- Siemens Healthineers– Siemens : Aina
- Bio-Rad Laboratories
- Hologic Inc.
- PerkinElmer Inc. (now part of Revvity) connected to Tulip Diagnostics (P) Ltd. – Rapid Test Products
- Saladax Biomedical
- Indiagnostics : Xip Diagnostic blood drop analysis (Troponin)
- Zoetis : Abaxis -desktop physician lab testing
- Miroculus –blood based microRNA sensor and smartphone reader
- Hemolix smart phone based HELP syndrome detector
- DNA Med Institute – rHEALTH X fluorescent nanostrip microfluidic sensor
- Zepto Technologies GMR based devices
- Mesa Biotech
- Glucometers
- Dynamical Biomarkers Group – Zhongli City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan
- Nanobiosym GENE Radar – DNA or RNA markers of infectious diseases.
- Basil Leaf Technologies :Final Frontier Medical Devices
- Teloyears
- Orphidia
- Senzo lateral flow PCR – TB, HepC, HIV,
- VERV Technologies – POC-Electrochemical microfluidic sensing of all biomatrices. – Recognition and Non Recognition Based.— Enzymatic Amplification and Non-enzymatic Amplification.
- mybinxhealth.com
- Informed Data Systems Inc. dba One Drop
- Lateral Flow Assay Products & Services – Fortis Life Sciences