• Viral Spike Protein Receptor Binding Blockade /Neutralization : Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody-LY-CoV555 and Regeneron -Roche 2 monoclonal antibody combination have FDA Emergency Use Authorization for use in early infection (prior to development of endogenous antibodies) in high risk patients.
  • ProTac molecular medicines contain VHL like sequence peptide tags chemically linked to a molecular agent with viral or host protein binding capabilities. ProTACs target the protein (viral nsp/structural proteins/ or complicit host proteins ) to E3 ubiquitin ligase which ultimately result in proteolysis by the Cytosolic Proteosome.
  • Experimental Treatments

Unknown or Multiple mechanisms of action :

  • Zinc zinc ionophores: Zinc with drug X, quercetin from honey, ECGC from green teas, zinc + chloroquine.

Debunked Treatments : Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab (one study showed no benefit in reducing death)/IL-6 inhibitor, Ivermectin

Global Coronavirus Clinical Trial Tracker

CORONA – Covid-19 Registry of off label and new agents.
