Theoretical Framework : Human Evolution : Homo Sapien

I hypothesize that the Homo Sapien Sapien evolved from Homo Sapien Idaltu 200 Ka due to a number of mutational and natural selective forces that allowed our species to out compete other carnivores and our ancestral relatives. Major mutational mechanisms included integration of endogenous retroviruses, retrotransposon insertions, and hybridizations with ancient species. The genetic changes altered our Nuerological, Immunological, Skeletal and Muscle Systems. Natural selective forces included the Toba Supervolcanic eruption 73.88 Ka, the Plagrean Fields Super volcanic eruption 39.8 Ka, Cosmic impacts from 12.9 Ka, epidemic infections, Tsunamis, Cosmic Rays, and Gamma Ray Exposure Events. Climatic condtions were directly and indirectly effected by some of these events. It is further hypothesized that the OD climatic excursions are due to nearby supernovas, gramma ray events, and increased solar flaring periods.




9. Homo Helmei 350K-175K YA (South Africa)

11. Homo Sapiens 200K YA




Punctuated duplication seeding events during the evolution of human chromosome 2p11.

Chromosomal inversions between human and chimpanzee lineages caused by retrotransposons.

L1 recombination-associated deletions generate human genomic variation.

Alu-mediated inactivation of the human CMP- N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase gene

Alu mediated inactivation

Fixation of the human-specific CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase pseudogene and implications of haplotype diversity for human evolution.

Repetitive Elements in X degenerate areas of Human Y chromosome

Uniquely Human evolution of sialic acid genetics and biology.


Human segmental duplications due to alu transpositions

Transcription regulation and transpotionsal selection by SINE elements

Continued colonization of the human genome by mitochondrial DNA.